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Our School

Message from the Principal

Welcome to Bonne Ecole Elementary… home of the Superstars! We are excited for the start of the
2024-2025 school year and look forward to leading our students into the future! Our goal is to inspire students each day to learn and grow in a nurturing environment.  Our students and staff are focused every day on leading by being positive, safe, responsible and respectful so that optimal learning can take place.

This year our school theme is “Growing Leaders”. We will continue to learn about the 7 habits of highly effective people and incorporate them into our schoolwork and our lives. Our goal is for every student to see the leader in themselves and reach their fullest potential.

Please visit our Bonne Ecole website on a regular basis. I encourage you to read over the parent/student handbook on this site to become familiar/refresh your knowledge of our policies and procedures. Please call/email the office or your child’s teacher at any time with questions. 

The success of our students is dependent on a strong home/school connection. An important part of this is our superstar binder which comes home each day. Homework and any necessary communication between you and your child’s teacher will be in this binder.   

You, our parents, are valuable partners and we encourage you to visit campus, meet our faculty and staff and enjoy all the great activities that we have planned this school year. Looking forward to a wonderful 2024-2025 school year!


Julie Lupo, Principal

Our Mission

Our Mission at Bonne Ecole Elementary School is to inspire creativity, cultivate academic growth, and nurture our diverse community.